The Dairy Aisle
Even though it was 7:30 a.m., I found myself drooling for a hot fudge sundae as I started my walk down Victoria Avenue. Malley’s Candies is located on the corner of Victoria and Madison. While I love their dark chocolate covered pretzels, I always think of the “Alice in Wonderland” themed ice cream parlor when I think of Malley’s. Our family has spent many evenings enjoying a sweet treat at this location. I love that they give you a glass of water when you sit down, and even a bowl of pretzels to dip in your ice cream for that salty punch.
I continued my walk down Victoria Avenue when I noticed an offshoot to Warren about halfway down the street. It was currently under construction and the entire road was gravel, but a quick Google Maps search labelled it as Victoria Court. I walked this cut-through as well today, discovering that the Victoria Court sign at Warren was almost bent off from a probable collision with a construction vehicle.
After crossing over Hilliard (I had to wait over two minutes to safely cross with the Lakewood High School Drop Off traffic going by), I finished up the last stretch of Victoria Avenue. It dead-ends on the back side of Grant Elementary School to the west and the Marc’s Plaza to the north. I have previously mentioned that I am an eternal optimist (one of my cars has the license plate – HLF FULL), so I appreciated that the Borden Truck making an early morning milk delivery to Marc’s read “Glass Half Full . . . since 1857”. I guess my tombstone could read “Glass Half Full . . . since 1973”.