
Top 10 Reasons I’m Completing My Lakewood A to Z Challenge in 2024:

  1. I think it will be really cool to explore every corner of Lakewood
  2. I hope to meet many interesting people along the way
  3. I turned 50 last August and I don’t know how much longer my knees will hold out
  4. I want to get in shape and feel better about myself
  5. My doctor tells me it will lower my cholesterol
  6. If I tell a few hundred people I’m doing this it will be impossible to back down
  7. My family tells me I’m a horrible picture taker, so I’ll get lots of practice posting my photos
  8. Walking can be meditative and lower my stress levels
  9. Waking up each morning with a purpose is motivating
  10. I want to raise some money for a wonderful cause