Love Was in the Air
It was a beautiful spring afternoon in Lakewood. I got home from work a bit early and set off on a bike ride to Donald. Little did I know spring flings were awaiting me.
Donald is a street that heads south from Clifton just east of Nicholson. It dead ends at the railroad tracks with the Garfield Middle School sports field visible across the other side. I have sat in those bleachers watching my son Tim play many a soccer game and never knew the name of the street off in the horizon.
Soon after starting down Donald, I approached a dog walker (Erika Turner) and asked if she and her dog would be willing to take a selfie with me. As we were lining up, Moose decided to give me a big sloppy kiss right before the picture snapped. We tried a second time with the same results (I think the kiss was even sloppier the second time). Before things got too heated, I thought I better head off and finish my walk.
When I got to the end of the street I noticed a thicket with several pairs of bunnies acting frisky as well. I caught this couple chasing each other near the edge of the shrubbery. My guess is the end of Donald will be filled with many baby bunnies in the not-too-distant future. Love was definitely in the air on Donald today!