Seeing Double
I jogged to my destination street today (60s degrees and sunny in February) and turned down Andrews off Detroit by the Masonic Temple. At the halfway point the street crossed over the railroad tracks. Then I saw the doppelganger street signs. I needed a picture under the signs and recruited my first photographer. I offered to give her the photo credit, but she said she was just happy to help.
I then dutifully turned down Andrews Lane and walked the two blocks down to Virginia Avenue and back (see you in November Virginia Avenue). When I got home I typed “Andrews” in Google Maps. Andrews Avenue is the top choice, but Andrews Lane is a distant 10th on the list. Evidently I’m more likely to be going to Andrews Airforce Base in Maryland than Andrews Lane in Lakewood.
I also came across my second Little Free Library. That’s two spots to pick out free books in Lakewood after only five streets.