First Resident Pic
I have passed plenty of walkers, runners and bikers so far, but none of them have lived on the street I was walking that day. After 6 days on the streets, I finally had success. About halfway down Archdale I passed a walker that recognized the logo on my T-shirt. She said she heard about the challenge on Facebook (I guess the word is spreading). I think I took my best selfie so far, remembered her first AND last name (Karen Cook) and made a new Lakewood friend.
Archdale is a side street off Riverside near the Metroparks. There is a massive cliff past the retaining wall where Archdale runs into Riverside. There is no sidewalk on that side of the street, but if you carefully look over the retaining wall you get a fantastic view (especially this time of year with no leaves on the trees) of the Lakewood Wastewater Treatment Facility. I might have to add a special visit there to my Epilogue after I finish Wyandotte in November.