Feeling Less Chonky
It has already been a week since I started this challenge. I have logged 8 miles of jog/walks and 23 miles of bike/walks so far. I’m starting to feel a little bit stronger and healthier. I have even lost 7 pounds already (although most of that is probably the extra fat I stored up from consumption during the holidays). An out-of-town visitor was taking a morning walk (Kelly) and offered to take of photo of me doing my best “Hans and Franz” pose in my bulky cold gear.
Arden is a short two block street running between Alger (my old friend) and Mars. The word Arden comes from Old English and means den or clearing in a woodland. It is meant to be a place or tranquility or refuge. I then came upon an awesome looking stump at the end of the street. I’m sure this stump has served as a place of refuge for at least a few Smurfs over time. This stump is definitely the front-runner for my “Best Stump” Plaque I plan to award at the end of the challenge.