Longest Route Yet
My total distance travelled today was just under 7 miles, with about 2 miles on Athens. Even though Athens is the longest street I have completed so far, there were hardly any houses facing the actual street. The awesome purple house pictured here was one of a few (probably 20-30) houses with an actual Athens address. This street might set the record for the most STOP signs in Lakewood. The pattern was corner house on crossing street, garage, garage, corner house on next crossing street.
The cool thing about the walk was I felt like I got a complete tour of Lakewood. I passed Arthur (yesterday’s street) in the southwest corner as I began, continued past Warren, saw Roosevelt School, crossed Bunts, saw Madison Park and the Lake Erie Building before finishing in Birdtown. The featured image is a listing of interesting sounding businesses located in the Lake Erie Building. Shout out to Michael Murray at “Textbook Painting” for doing a great job on my rental property a few years ago.