Author: dasoadmin

  • Madison


    Dolly Madison My mom, Dolly, came over to do my route with me this morning. She said she wanted to do a longer one with me, and Madison definitely fit the bill. It ended up being my second longest so far in total distance travelled. When she arrived in my driveway, she was decked out…

  • Lincoln


    Lakewood Falls When I arrived at the intersection of Lincoln and Detroit, I immediately recognized Lakewood Babtist Church. I have been inside many times during the afternoons of “Light Up Lakewood” for my kid’s grade-school and middle-school musical performances. In fact, I was even recruited several of those years to emcee the event (along with…

  • Lewis


    Meet the Trucks Meet the Trucks was held yesterday at Lakewood Park. It is an opportunity for kids to interact with the City of Lakewood’s cars, trucks and construction fleet. If you missed it, you might want to take a stroll down Lewis to get a feeling for the experience. As soon as I started…

  • Leonard


    Old MacDonald’s Farm If Old MacDonald had a farm in Lakewood it would be on Leonard. Leonard is located near the Warren and Madison intersection just south of the Lakewood Fire Department. As soon as I turned off Warren onto Leonard, the very first house I passed had a line of tomato plants growing alongside…

  • Leedale


    Front Yard vs. Back Yard I love it when I get to walk one of the Cliff or Dale streets heading north of Lake just west of Lakewood Park. The streets are close to my house so I can jog there, serving as a perfect afternoon retreat. This sunny Friday afternoon I was able to…

  • Lauderdale


    Roses are Red, Inspirational Rocks are Blue Lauderdale will always be the Dairy Queen street in my mind. I have enjoyed many a family evening after a sporting event or concert scarfing down a Blizzard at the corner of Detroit and Lauderdale. Chocolate covered cherry is my favorite flavor, and I order it even if…

  • Lark


    A Cozy Canopy I was heading back to Birdtown this morning, the neighborhood located in the southeast corner of Lakewood. Birdtown was originally a factory town for the National Carbon Company. I encourage you to read my “Halstead” post for additional details. As soon as I turned down Lark from Madison I was struck by…

  • Larchmont


    Memorial Day I was leisurely walking down Larchmont this morning on a Monday off work. Near the beginning of the street, I passed a flag in a front yard indicating a parent of an Army soldier lived in that home. It got me reflecting on the meaning of Memorial Day, and I paused under a…

  • Lanning


    Lovely Lanning Landings Our first house in Lakewood was on Mars Avenue, and we had a wonderful front porch. On one end there was a wooden porch swing hanging from the ceiling. It was big enough to fit an adult and two kids, and I can remember gently rocking on the swing reading “Goodnight Moon”…

  • Lane


    Coach Daso I’m not sure Lane Drive is an actual street, but it was on the list that I compiled and Google Maps showed it, so I ventured over there this morning. When I arrived I was unable to locate any street signs, and the short one-block connector between St. Charles and Belle only had…