Author: dasoadmin

  • Idlewood


    Habits My cat had me thinking about habits this morning. She has a habit of walking back and forth across my back to wake me up at 5:30 a.m. She wants me to feed her (most times) or sometimes feels it’s just time for me to get up. I would call this a bad habit,…

  • Hopkins


    Iris Hopkins began and ended with cool buildings, but the in-between was filled with irises. Observing the front lawns of Lakewood every day has allowed me to notice the evolution of the spring flowers. From the crocuses poking out with snow piles still around to the varied whites and yellows of the daffodils. Then came…

  • Homewood


    Not to be Overlooked Grace is still my favorite street so far, but Homewood is definitely in the Top 10. The magical experience began as soon as the street started. Homewood runs two blocks north from Lake, ending in a cul-de-sac. At the corner of Lake there was an entire children’s reading garden. The Little…

  • Hird


    New Sights to See I always enjoy traveling to a new street. I have lived in Lakewood for 25 years and until today I had never walked, biked or even driven down Hird. Hird is tied with Coutant for the second most eastern street in the city. Hird runs parallel to W. 117th Street from…

  • Hilliard


    Diagonal Alley Hilliard is a Lakewood street that is unique in many ways. Most streets change their names when they leave Lakewood, but Hilliard keeps its name all the way to Hilliard Lakes Golf Club in Westlake. It also cuts through Lakewood at a 45-degree angle instead of heading east-west or north-south. I noticed most…

  • Hilda


    Hilly Perspective Well I’m on the Hill Streets (Hilda and Hilliard), but I wasn’t feeling the blues (pun intended). I had just powered up the hill that is Lakewood from Lake Road all the way to Lakewood Heights Boulevard. I was feeling strong and accomplished as I arrived at the corner of Hilda and Lakewood…

  • Hazelwood


    Still Streaking My original plan was to take one break day per week, but once I got rolling I just kept going. As of Friday morning, I had completed a street 89 days in a row. However, I knew today was going to be up in the air. At about 2:30 p.m. Lakewood time I…

  • Hathaway


    A Bit Hokey I never know what might inspire me when I set off on my daily route. Today it turned out to be a small Virginia Tech yard sign. The house on Hathaway had a large Virgina Tech flag as well, but it was difficult to get a good pic while the flag was…

  • Harlon


    Love Grows Here I had an enjoyable morning riding to Harlon and back. Harlon is a side street that goes one block east and one block west from Nicholson just north of the railroad tracks. I’ve been noticing the diversity of trees our city has, especially on the tree lawns. According to the City of…

  • Halstead


    For the Birds Halstead is on the western end of the historic Birdtown neighborhood in Lakewood. According to, in 1892 the National Carbon Company (located at the corner of W 117th and Madison) purchased 155 acres west of their factory for their employees. Many were immigrants, primarily from Slovakia and other Easter European countries.…