Author: dasoadmin

  • West Forest

    West Forest

    Surveyor Within a 1/4 mile radius in the northwest corner of Lakewood, there are a trio of streets that would be confusing to substitute mail carriers and pizza delivery drivers alike. I passed them all on my jog this morning. They are Forest, West Forest and West Clifton – and they all dead-end into Clifton…

  • West Clifton Road

    West Clifton Road

    Rounding Third & Heading Home West Clifton Road is a short “No Outlet” street less than a mile from my house. It peels off of Lake at an unusual intersection that also has the street I will be walking tomorrow (West Forest Road). There are probably less than 10 houses on the street, but they…

  • West Clifton Blvd.

    West Clifton Blvd.

    The Unicorn and the Troll I was finishing up my walk on West Clifton Blvd this morning when I heard someone yelling my name from up above. I turned in a circle before noticing a friend of mine (Bob Aber) looking down on me from his second story window. His house overlooks the street, and…

  • West 117th

    West 117th

    Smallest Park in Lakewood? I picked a terrible time to walk down West 117th Street. It was at the end of my workday, and my stomach was already grumbling in anticipation of dinner. West 117th Street forms the eastern border of Lakewood with Cleveland, and I started at the northern end where it connects with…

  • Webb Road

    Webb Road

    Where Everybody Knows Your Name Webb Road is the first street I come to if I leave my front door and head west. However, I decided to jog up to the corner of Webb Road and Detroit first and then basically walk back home. On the northwest corner of that intersection is my friendly neighborhood…

  • Webb Cliff Drive

    Webb Cliff Drive

    Alone I always enjoy walking a street with a companion. It seems as I have been getting closer to the end, most of my days have been filled with people joining me on my walks. However thinking back over the last 7 months, I would estimate that I walked about 90% of the streets alone.…

  • Wayne


    Street Historian I think it would be awesome if every street in Lakewood had a “Street Historian”. They would be like the elder chief of the village, with knowledge and fun facts about the street to share with their neighbors. For Wayne, I would nominate my friend and the pastor of my church (Lakewood Congregational…

  • Waterbury


    Passing Notes What a great Lakewood afternoon! I had a really busy morning, and it was a bit difficult motivating myself to head out and complete my street after lunch. However, once I got out on the tandem heading over to Waterbury my mood quickly turned to anticipation of what the day might bring. Waterbury…

  • Wascana


    Pizza Delivery My very first meal in my first home ever (on Mars Avenue in Lakewood) was Angelo’s Pizza. Amy and I moved into the house in the summer of 2000 with our soon to be 2-year old daughter Rachel. I remember asking the Paydock Family that sold us the home what their favorite pizza…

  • Warren


    Downtown Lakewood I think if you asked most Lakewood residents where Downtown Lakewood is, the most common answer would be the intersection of Warren and Detroit. It just feels like the city center. Detroit is our busiest east-west commercial street and Warren is the main artery that connects I-90 to Detroit. I snapped a picture…