Every Street Is Important
Baldwin Place is a small “No Outlet” street near the corner of W. Clifton and Clifton just south of Celeste Park. There are only 9 houses on the street itself, tucked away behind two larger houses that face W. Clifton. There is a decent upgrade as you start up the street and I noticed the city had salted it following Friday’s snow. I was impressed that the salt truck found its way to this street with only a few homes on the street to worry about.
When I got to the end of the street and turned around I heard an ambulance approaching. It backed up the incline and parked in front of one of the houses, with two paramedics rushing inside to help (I hope the person inside was OK). The importance of making sure every street is safe and accessible just played out in front of my eyes. I am thankful for our great city services – both the Street Maintenance Department and the Fire Department.