Feeling Thrifty
I started down Bonnieview this morning just as the sun was rising. Bonnieview clocks in at 10 characters long, tying Abbieshire for the longest street name so far.
Just north of Detroit I passed “Bonnieview Antiques” and it got me thinking about my thrifty ways. I have always loved the hunt of an antique shop, thrift store, garage sale or estate sale. But my thriftiest habit of all is picking up items thrown away on tree lawns. My best item to date is a ping pong table we currently have set-up in our basement.
After crossing over the railroad tracks dusted with the morning twilight, I came across a solid wooden step ladder someone was throwing away. I tested it out and then happily carried it all the way home. I must have been an interesting sight power walking down Clifton with my step ladder at my side. The most rewarding part though was my Google search when I got home. I found the same ladder listed on homedepot.com for $99.00.