Date Morning
This week has been a family affair for me. My sister rode with me on Monday, my son joined me yesterday on the tandem, and my wife and I took an enjoyable jog/walk this morning. I really appreciate all of the support from my loved ones for this project.
Amy and I are so busy, particularly during the week, so I was thankful for the time we had to talk during our 4-mile run. We both had to get up while it was still dark outside, but it was worth it. By the time we arrived on Cliff the sun had fully risen and we were rewarded with views of Lake Erie and Downtown. Cliff is a short connector street on the lake between Nicholson and Wilbert. There are only four houses on the street – but what a great location. With nothing to obstruct your view you have a front yard that is spectacular.
As we were enjoying our date a Garbage Truck started backing up down the street. I thought it was interrupting our quiet time together until I realized it was a Recycling Truck. Amy and I both think recycling it sexy – so it actually added to the experience.
We reflected on the jog home that we should set aside time at least once per week to talk like this – just the two of us. Hopefully we will make that happen.