Five Nights at Clifton’s
For the next five nights (or days) I will be walking down a street named Clifton, and that’s not counting West Clifton that I will be doing with the “W” streets. As luck would have it, the first one and the longest one would be on the day of an early morning snowstorm.
I was convinced that Northeast Ohio was done with snow for the year, having put away the snow shovels and salt a week ago. Evidently this patch of blooming daffodils agreed with me. I also noticed at least 50 robins on my walk today, darting along the sidewalks and tree lawns. I hope they are a sign that Spring will be here soon.
Clifton Boulevard was my first opportunity to walk all the way from Cleveland to Rocky River. I was excited right up to the point that I turned from W 117th Street to Clifton Boulevard and realized the wind was blowing directly into my face.
Fortunately, I had another visit scheduled on my route today. Krista Friedlander met me in her front yard, even braving the elements while I constructed a snowman friend to join in on our selfie. Her bright smile and encouraging attitude set me on my way with new motivation to complete my trod down Clifton Boulevard in style. Krista – thank you for taking a few minutes out of your Sunday afternoon to cheer me on. I think it’s what carried me the last 300 feet across the bridge to the Rocky River border.