Toy Story
This afternoon I biked the tandem over to Garfield Middle School. Cohassett starts across the street and continues south to Madison Avenue, where it changes names to Halstead. The houses seemed statelier on this street, with extra wide front porches and larger front yards. One house was decked out in St. Patrick’s Day decorations, and the house itself was even green with dark orange and white awnings. I took a picture of this most Irish abode I have seen yet.
As I was finishing my walk at the corner of Madison and Cohassett, I came upon a toy store (Apple Jax Toys). I noticed vintage R2D2 dolls in the window and was hoping if I went inside I might catch a glimpse of my favorite toy I had growing up – the Millenium Falcon. Upon entering the store I was surrounded by cool PEZ dispensers, Garbage Pail Kids cards, and scary animal masks. Then I saw the holy grail hanging from the ceiling. I still remember getting the Millenium Falcon as a kid and hiding Luke Skywalker in the secret compartment as the Storm Troopers entered the ship. Thank you Apple Jax Toys for rekindling my imagination today.
I finished up with a ride back down the bike lanes on Madison Avenue. A fellow Lakewood Friend (Rob Holland) slowed down after passing me and we rode for a while chatting. If not for the bike lanes we probably would not have run into each other, and I was happy for the company and conversation. I can’t wait for the weather to get nicer this summer and hope to ride along with many more Lakewoodites in the days to come!