Cabbages and Kings

The time has come Lakewoodites, to talk of the many things I saw near Dowd today. Dowd is a north-south street in historic Birdtown located between Madison Park and Harrison Elementary School.

As soon as I arrived at the corner of Dowd and Madison I noticed a sign in front of Saints Peter & Paul Church. It said “Baba’s Kitchen” was open Fridays from 11 to 6, so I stepped into the basement of the church to check it out. They had stuffed cabbage, cabbage and noodles, nut poppy, and these delicious looking pierogis being shown off by Fred. I’m starting to think I need to get a basket for my bike so I can grab to-go orders on my trips.

The street itself was quaint, with many homes having side yards and gardens. The house at the end of the street had a large triangle shaped yard that looked ready to burst into bloom.

After retracing my steps back to Madison, I looked just to the west and noticed a statue that was beaming in the sunlight. The sign next to it indicated it was part of “The Sanctuary Museum”, a collection of religious art and artifacts on display inside the former St. Hedwig Church. Their mission is to inspire visitors by preserving the wonders of the Catholic faith and heritage. Their website states they have artifacts from over 15 closed churches throughout Northeast Ohio. I was there for the Lakewood Alive Fundraiser two years ago and was impressed by the displays. You should check it out if you get a chance.