Mr. A to Z
When I left the house this morning for my jog/walk I felt like I was missing something. Sure enough, when I looked down I realized I forgot to put on my “Lakewood A to Z” shirt. My friend Gary at Ryko Sports was kind enough to make and donate the shirt, and I must admit I have started to feel a bit like a superhero when I wear it. The logo on the front feels like Superman’s “S” and several people have shouted out their car windows “Go A to Z” as I pass by. I’m beginning to think the pitcher of Blackberry Sangria I drank last night must be my Kryptonite and the cause of my forgetfulness this morning.
I was still able to make to Edanola and was rewarded with a street filled with 100-year-old homes and a cool apartment building. One of the houses had a plaque indicating it was 113 years old. Lakewood was developed in the early 1900s, so I would guess every year many homes are celebrating their 100th birthday.
Edanola is a short elbow-shaped street that curves from Sloane just north of the bend back to Sloane just south of the bend. At the southern connection there was a cute little park (Sloane Avenue Park) with several benches, streetlamps and a grove of tall pine trees. With several apartment building in this area, I’m sure this green space is appreciated and used often.
I also noticed there were two “Keep Lakewood Beautiful – ADOPT-A-SPOT” flower beds at the park. Kudos to those sponsoring these and other locations around our city. They do help keep Lakewood beautiful!