A Play Date
Emerson was a fun street to explore today. It runs for two blocks starting at Donald on the eastern end. Last week was the first time I had ever been on Donald, and now one week later I was back for seconds.
After crossing over Nicholson, it continues along the southern border of the Emerson Elementary School property. I looked over at the baseball diamond located there and realized I had pitched on that field before.
I have coached all of my kids Saturday Soccer teams, and even coached travel soccer for two of them. While I know quite a bit about soccer having played through high school (and still play today – shout out to the “Chonky Boys”), I admit to knowing next to nothing about baseball. Yet when my son’s baseball team needed a coach for his 7- and 8-year-old team I stepped up to the plate. This was the age that they transitioned from T-Ball to Coach Pitch, so I got to serve up slow arching lobs for our team to hit. Standing behind the plate reminded me of how much fun it was to coach youth sports. I ended up coaching that baseball team for 6 years, and I still run into some of those players from time-to-time and they always say “hi” to Coach Daso.
Before heading home, I stopped over at the school’s playground. These fake stumps turned out to be more fun than they might look. I climbed up on one of them and did a Karate Kid Crane Pose – holding it for about 5 seconds. I then jumped off realizing how ridiculous I probably looked, glad that nobody was nearby to ask to take my picture.