Heightened Senses

There is something magical about a Sunday morning sunrise. There is a calmness that exists in this quiet time, and I love being outside to enjoy it. I was able to catch it cresting over Winterhurst Ice Arena this morning.

I have always gotten up early on weekends. It is a curse (or a blessing) of my entire Daso immediate family. I bet my Mom, Dad and two siblings were all up by 6:30 a.m. this morning. As a result, most of my Sunday streets have been completed before any of my kids have gotten up (I guess the curse didn’t pass on to them).

As I was walking down Emily today, I also noticed that all of my senses seem heightened during this quiet hour. Emily is a short “J” shaped street running from Warren Road to the north-end of the Winterhurst Ice Arena parking lot.

  1. My sense of sight noticed the long shadows I was casting, a perfect opportunity for a shadow-selfie.
  2. My sense of touch felt the frozen dew on a tree lawn and realized it was slick as butter.
  3. My sense of hearing heard the birds calling for mates and the rhythmic rolling of my rubber bike tires against the pavement.
  4. My sense of smell picked up a scent of bacon cooking inside someone’s kitchen – making my stomach grumble.

And that brings me to the final sense – taste. Well daffodils, crocuses and hyacinths are all toxic to humans, and I wasn’t looking forward to eating grass. Then I came to a cherry tree in full blossom. A quick Google search said the petals were safe to eat raw in small quantities, so I indulged. They were actually quite enjoyable, and I even read they are supposed to make my skin soft and supple. I can only hope.