Eerie Cliff
It was a short jog over to Erie Cliff this morning. Even though the sun had already risen, the skies were gloomy and a light misty rain was falling. The eerie feeling was enhanced when I noticed the streetlights were still glowing. As I snapped a quick pic of one of them over a large oak tree, I wondered if the lights would come back on this afternoon during the eclipse. Maybe this morning was a sneak peak of what it will feel like during the four minutes of totality. In fact, if you pluralize “Erie Cliffs” it kind of sounds like eclipse.
This street runs north off Lake and dead ends into a roundabout at a cliff overlooking Lake Erie (I wonder where the name of this street came from). That was where I saw a towering flagpole partnered with a singular majestic pine tree. Both stood around 50 feet tall and looked imposing near the cliff. I just hoped this stormy morning wouldn’t bring any lightening, and I was standing next to a perfect lightening rod.
One other cool thing I noticed was a front yard with what looked to be an American Ninja Warrior course set up about 8 feet high between two trees. There was a rope ladder on one end, multiple hanging bars and obstacles across and another rope on the other end. If it wasn’t so rainy (and I wasn’t 50 years old) I might have given the course a try myself.