Gnome Picture Challenge
I’m now 1/3 of the way done with my Lakewood A to Z Challenge. I can’t believe I’ve reached this milestone already. To celebrate I decided to create a hide-and-seek gnome picture challenge today.
I have been surprised by how many gnome and fairy villages I have seen on my adventures thus far, so as I was walking down Franklin Avenue I was scoping out places I could hide a gnome. Franklin Avenue (don’t call me Franklin Boulevard) is a short side street off Riverside near West Clifton. There were several nooks and crannies that sparked my interest, but the spot I decided upon felt perfect. I then returned home, grabbed my gnome, and placed him in the spot on my way to work this morning.
The first person to take a picture of this gnome and post it to one of my social media accounts will win a gift certificate to Forage. Given that I am on the “F” streets and Forage means to search widely for something, that seems like the perfect reward.
I also walked past one of the coolest front yards I have seen yet. There was a section of lawn contoured perfectly and surrounded by a moat of white gravel. Having just watched the Masters golf tournament over the weekend, it reminded me of an island green. After completing 1/3 of the streets, I still continue to find something surprising each day.