You Say Potato
Fries is a short side street off Riverside just north of Madison. Just as I began my route from the Riverside end, I ran into a few residents congregating on a front porch for a Friday afternoon happy hour. I asked them how to pronounce their street and one person immediately shouted out “freeze”. Within a second the other person responded, “no its fry’s”. They continued the debate and I walked down the sidewalk. I hope I didn’t start an argument between neighbors.
As I walked the rest of the street, I made an effort to really take notice of the nature around me. One of the things that stood out were the unusual looking trees in many of the tree lawns. They reminded me of giant stalks of broccoli. Despite their crazy appearance they served as a haven for birds. In fact, I think I saw several nests in this one tree that I snapped the picture of.
My other brush with nature was at the end of my walk. The street was so short I decided to walk it in both directions. As I was returning to Riverside I looked past the guardrail and out towards the Metroparks and the valley below. Growing in the weeds and thickets was a flowering tree. It’s likely that it sprouted from a random bird dropping. Earlier this week I was lamenting about several bird droppings I had on my windshield from a large tree I parked under at work. I guess Mother Nature has a way of making lemonade out of lemons.