Who’s the Boss?
One of the most rewarding aspects of this project is the time I get to spend talking to others on my travels. Whether it is scheduled in advance or a chance meeting during my walk, it adds a fun and unpredictable element.
My office manager (Katie) had the day off following the Bruce Springsteen concert in Columbus last night. She lives on Giel, and right before heading over to her street this afternoon I texted to see if she was around. Luckily, she had recovered from the epic three-hour concert and agreed to meet me. We talked about the concert, enjoyed the amazing flowers in bloom and she showed me the unique elements of her street (like the giant garden area near the railroad tracks). In fact, it was Katie that pointed out the cascading purple flowers on the other side of the street that I snapped for my pic. I might have missed them had she not been along for the stroll.
About halfway through the walk we passed a house with an old friend of mine sitting on the front porch (Rob Bullock). I had forgotten that he lived on Giel. He invited his wife to come out and say hi and the four of us started chatting. It turns out they had also been to the Bruce Springsteen concert last night and I was the only one that missed out on The Boss performing. I asked if we could line up for a selfie in front of their house and snapped it with one take. I think this might be my best selfie yet (you can’t even see my arm in the picture and we are “almost” centered in the frame).
11 weeks into this challenge and I’m still having fun! In the immortal words of Bruce Springsteen, I guess I was “Born to Run” (or walk or bike) all the streets in Lakewood.