Grandchild’s Dollhouse
Grace starts at Detroit by Garfield Middle School to the north and dead ends into Madison Park at the southern tip. According to Margaret Manor Butler in Romance in Lakewood Streets, Grace Avenue was named after James Nicholson’s granddaughter. James Nicholson “was our first permanent settler on Detroit Road” in 1818. In 1835 James “erected a white colonial home on Detroit at Nicholson,” where four generations of his family lived.
Upon starting my walk down Grace this afternoon I was immediately struck by the architecture. The street was filled with amazing Victorian-style homes. I snapped a pic of one of the first ones I passed, but I could have filled a calendar with 12 stunning pictures from this street. It felt like the street was filled with life-sized dollhouses in honor of James Nicholson’s granddaughter Grace. You should take time to walk down this street – you will not be disappointed.
There was also an enormous Little Free Library that I passed. It had a planter underneath, a gnome garden to the side, an inspirational list on the door, a plaque with a quote and lights around the top. Quite the impressive number of accoutrements. Inside I found the perfect book to read for this election – “Uncle John’s Bathroom Reader Plunges into the Presidency”. Although maybe this content will prove to be too high brow compared to what we have to come.