Patience is a Virtue
I think the residents of Hall must be the most patient in all of Lakewood. Hall is a side street running from Lake Avenue on the northern end to Detroit Avenue across the street from McDonalds on the southern end. Several of the small sloped front yards had beautiful landscaping and decorations. However, it is the width of this street that makes it truly unique.
The cars park on the western side of the street and there is not enough room for two cars to pass each other between the parked cars and the eastern curb. I caught a picture of a refuse truck driving down the street this morning, and if you were heading north on Hall behind the truck you were probably going to have to patiently follow the truck all the way to Clifton.
I have always seen this as an opportunity to interact with the other drivers on the street. Hall is the most direct route from my house to my office, and I frequently drive down the street in both directions. If you are heading north you have the right of way, but I still try to take notice of cars heading south, giving them an opportunity to squeeze-in between two parked cars so I can pass. I usually give a wave to the driver and they return the signal. It is like a common bond between us brave souls accepting the challenge of making it down Hall. When I do reach the end of the street I always feel a sense of accomplishment.
I also noticed a unique sign in one of the front yards. It was marking a Monarch Waystation. I could already see the butterfly bushes starting to emerge from the soil near the sign. I will have to make sure to tell all of my monarch friends to stop here next time they are migrating to Mexico.