Still Streaking
My original plan was to take one break day per week, but once I got rolling I just kept going. As of Friday morning, I had completed a street 89 days in a row. However, I knew today was going to be up in the air.
At about 2:30 p.m. Lakewood time I was finishing up a boat tour in downtown Chicago, having just moved my son Joe out of his dorm for the summer and partaking in some fun before heading home. Amazingly we hit no traffic leaving the city and no accidents or detours on the way home. We finished unpacking the car just as the sun was setting, then I decided to take a bike ride to Hazelwood. I really needed some exercise after eating too much fast food and ice cream over the last two days.
Hazelwood is a side street off Nicholson just south of the railroad tracks. You can see the elation on my face in keeping the streak going in my picture. A resident on the corner of Nicholson and Hazelwood snapped the pic for me. When he told me his name was also Joe like my son, I knew I was meant to walk Hazelwood tonight.
This was one of the few streets I have walked in this twilight period right after the sun sets but before it gets really dark. I noticed several of the houses had lights, with one beautiful home decked out with green and white lights. A gentle wind was blowing and a calmness filled the air. I think I need to do more streets in the evening. It was the perfect way to end a perfect day.