My cat had me thinking about habits this morning. She has a habit of walking back and forth across my back to wake me up at 5:30 a.m. She wants me to feed her (most times) or sometimes feels it’s just time for me to get up. I would call this a bad habit, but she might disagree.
After getting the early morning wakeup call this morning, I decided to head out for an extra early street excursion. I know I have good habits (like this Lakewood A to Z challenge) and bad habits (like drinking a can of Diet Coke each morning – hey I don’t drink coffee). Either good or bad, habits can be hard to break. I hope I keep this exercise habit going even after I finish the last street this fall.
Given my early start, I arrived at Idlewood shortly after 6:00 a.m. The streetlights were still on, and the sun had not risen yet. I quietly walked down the short street not wanting to disturb anyone. One item that piqued my interest was an intricate address carved into a block of stone.
Idlewood is a short side street off Clifton just west of 117th street. There are less than 20 houses on the street, and there is a STOP sign at the end of the street where is connects with Williamson. Williamson is a tiny street with no houses on it that connects back to Hird (a street that I did three days ago). It then occurred to be that this might be the least travelled intersection in all of Lakewood. I imagined an entire day going by without anyone stopping at this STOP sign. Then my illusion was ruined. A Lakewood Recycling Truck turned down the street from Clifton to pick up the blue recycle bins. It drove down the street, stopped at the STOP sign, turned around at Williamson and headed back down Idlewood in the other direction. It was a sign from the Lakewood A to Z gods that maybe I was wrong.