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Today was a real milestone day as I completed my 100th route. Ironically, it was also my shortest route in total distance traveled. I basically jogged the 1/4 mile to the end of my street (Edgewater), did the Kenneth Drive and Kenneth Lane loops and jogged back home. The total distance covered was under 1 mile.
However, there was still plenty to see. When I walk around the block with my family we are usually talking, and I don’t take notice of my surroundings as much. Today my radar was on. Kenneth Drive is a short street heading north off Lake Road. At the end of Kenneth Drive there was a cul-de-sac maintained by the “Kenneth Drive Neighbors”. Right in the middle of the dense foliage was a telephone pole with the sign for Kenneth Lane attached. I have yet to find another sign that was as connected with nature.
At the northern end of the street there was a Little Free Library. I have passed it many times, but today was the first time I opened it up. It is great to know I have one so close to my house, and I plan on making some deposits in the near future.
My favorite part of my walk was a front yard located on the western side of Kenneth Drive near the cul-de-sac. It reminded me of a sculpture garden, with so many things for the eye to see. I spent several minutes scanning the flower beds and continued to make new discoveries. I snapped a pic of one of the decorations, but there were a dozen others I could have photographed. What a great way to end my walk this morning.