Unofficial King of Lakewood
Kirtland is a short side street running north off Edgewater just east of Lakewood Park. The street is named after Dr. Jared Potter Kirtland. According to Margaret Manor Butler in Romance in Lakewood Streets, “Dr. Jared Potter Kirtland (1793-1877) was Lakewood’s most illustrious citizen of the 19th century” (thanks again to Vince O’Keefe for the assist on the research).
I had previously posted about Dr. Kirtland when I walked Bunts (there was a historical marker near Bunts and Detroit where his home was located) and Franklin (the early settler in front of Lakewood High School is based on this local legend). In fact Butler goes on to state, “So popular and well-loved was Dr. Kirtland that the township and villages of Kirtland and Kirtland Hills have been named for him.” Also, “Bunts Road at one time was a lane running through Dr. Kirtland’s farm and was known for many years as Kirtland Lane.” Given that Kirtland lines up with Bunts north-south it makes sense that this street would bear his name.
Perhaps in a fitting tribute to this royal Lakewoodite, one of the front porches on Kirtland had a complete suit of armor. I try to make note of cool things that I observe, and this definitely stood out.
As I was finishing up my walk, I also noticed the cool antique lights that dotted the entire street. They looked like old gas lamps. Where Kirtland connected with Edgewater the lampposts were surrounded with brick columns. It completed the regal feeling for the entire street.