On the Bench
My walk was much shorter today that yesterday. After completing the marathon that was Lake, I got to casually stroll the tiny side street off Lake Road called Lake Point Drive. Including the two houses on the corners with Lake Road, I only observed five total houses. The three houses along Lake Point Drive itself must have amazing views of Lake Erie and the Rocky River below.
I did notice that there was an abundance of benches on this street. One of the corner houses had two benches incorporated into their landscaping, and there was a cool iron bench at the end of the cul-de-sac. It was painted robin eggshell blue and seemed like the perfect spot for me to sit for a spell.
After snapping a selfie, I began to reflect on the close call I had with a deer last night. I felt like I was returning to the scene of the crime, as the deer startled me just one house west of here. I got so close to it that I heard it sneeze before I even saw it hiding behind a bush. Then I started thinking, I’m not even sure deer actually do sneeze. A quick Google search revealed plenty of YouTube videos of Bambi sneezing.
As I was sitting I also calculated how far I have travelled so far. The Strava Application has been tracking my progress, and some quick mental math revealed my total distance travelled is now about 450 miles. That’s similar to the distance from Lakewood to NYC. It’s hard to believe I have completed all of those miles within the borders of Lakewood.
Now my rest time was done. I got up from the bench and jogged home, ready to add another mile to my log.