A Cozy Canopy
I was heading back to Birdtown this morning, the neighborhood located in the southeast corner of Lakewood. Birdtown was originally a factory town for the National Carbon Company. I encourage you to read my “Halstead” post for additional details.
As soon as I turned down Lark from Madison I was struck by the amazing canopy over the street. The tree lawns were small, but the street was lined with enormous mature trees. They were so large the branches from the east and west side of the street connected in the middle creating a complete canopy of leaves.
I spotted a squirrel jumping from a tree on one side of the street directly into the branches of a tree on the other side. I then saw a trunk that took up the entire span of the tree lawn and took a pic for this post.
The other thing I noticed is many of the buildings near Madison looked like they were businesses at one time. One building looked like it had been turned from a commercial space into a personal residence. I would love to see the inside of this home to see how they repurposed it into a living space. Back in 1900 this was probably a small business serving the employees of the National Carbon Company. I think it is so cool that it is a home now.