Roses are Red, Inspirational Rocks are Blue
Lauderdale will always be the Dairy Queen street in my mind. I have enjoyed many a family evening after a sporting event or concert scarfing down a Blizzard at the corner of Detroit and Lauderdale. Chocolate covered cherry is my favorite flavor, and I order it even if it isn’t on the menu (and they always make it for me without question). If Dairy Queen would have been open at 7:00 a.m. when I walked the street, I probably would have stopped in to get myself an early morning treat.
Lauderdale heads south from that corner running one block before ending at Madison. I was shocked to see so many red rose bushes in bloom as I walked the street. Several of the houses had trained the rose vines along trellises, either along the side of the house or directly in front of the porch. I think the warmer than usual month of May could have contributed to their vibrant blooming. This caused me to check the rose bushes in my own front yard when I returned home, and sure enough they were blooming like crazy. I guess I’m too distracted at the end of the day when I pull in the driveway to notice (another reason I am thankful for my daily adventures).
I was also feeling a bit out of sorts this morning. I haven’t been feeling well the last few days, and a nagging cough has been keeping me up at night. Despite my enjoyment of the roses, I was really in need of a pick-me-up. Then I passed a small rock in a tree lawn painted with the phrase “You’ll Go Far”. It was decorated with smiling faces and hearts. The rock itself was less than 2 inches in diameter, but it inspired me to pick up my spirit and push through the day. Thank you to the person that took the time to paint and place that tiny blue stone in their front yard.