Front Yard vs. Back Yard
I love it when I get to walk one of the Cliff or Dale streets heading north of Lake just west of Lakewood Park. The streets are close to my house so I can jog there, serving as a perfect afternoon retreat.
This sunny Friday afternoon I was able to jog over to Leedale. As I was walking down this short street, I saw at least four different front porches in use. Neighbors were asking each other about their dinner plans and people were tending to their yards. It got me thinking – I wonder if you polled the residents of Lakewood if they would say they spend more time in their front yards or back yards. I’m sure the answer on Leedale would be a resounding “Front Yards”.
In fact, when I arrived at the end of the street, both of the houses on the corner with Edgewater had a pair of white Adirondack Chairs in their front yards. I snapped a picture showing the view from the seats and it doesn’t surprise me the chairs are positioned there.
I also was impressed with the landscaping around a tree in one of the front yards. Upon closer examination I noticed they has used planters to position the flowers and plants around the tree. What a great idea. I just might borrow this landscaping hack to add some color around the front yard at my office. I have always had a hard time getting flowers to grow around my sign and trees, but I think this idea just might work!