Meet the Trucks
Meet the Trucks was held yesterday at Lakewood Park. It is an opportunity for kids to interact with the City of Lakewood’s cars, trucks and construction fleet. If you missed it, you might want to take a stroll down Lewis to get a feeling for the experience.
As soon as I started down the street, I was surrounded by large construction equipment. At one point I looked around and saw at least a half-dozen different size dirt scoopers located on various tree lawns. It looked like they were in the middle of a water pipe replacement project. That guess was confirmed when I arrived at the corner of Lewis and Franklin. I found a huge supply of green plastic water pipes stacked up in the back of the Franklin School of Opportunity parking lot. I balanced my phone inside one of the pipes to experiment with my selfie taking artistry.
Given that many of the streets in our city were developed over 100 years ago, I guess it isn’t surprising that our infrastructure needs ongoing maintenance. In fact, my office had a natural gas pipeline and meter replacement earlier this year that lasted almost two months. There were times I was frustrated by the parking situation and my tree lawn had equipment parked on it the entire time, but the end result was a safer place to live and work.
There was also a really cool Little Free Library on Lewis that matched the cottage style homes I observed up and down the street. Despite the ongoing construction, you could still appreciate the unique feeling of the neighborhood.
One last note – there was an apartment building near the intersection of Lewis and Detroit called “The Lewis”. It looked interesting from the outside, and after returning home I checked out their website and it was impressive. If one of my kids was looking for an apartment in Lakewood this property would be on my radar screen.