Birdtown Disc Golf Course?
This morning I pedaled back over to Birdtown to walk down Magee. Magee is the street on the eastern edge of Birdtown, running from Madison to Plover. Houses line the west side of the street, but the east side has an enormous green space just on the other side of a chain link fence. I assume this lot is owned by one of the commercial properties near W. 117th, but my eyes lit up with opportunity as I peered through the barbed wire running along the top of the fence.
One of my hidden dreams is to create a disc golf course in Lakewood. During the pandemic our family started playing disc golf as a free activity we could all do together. It would get us outside amongst nature, and also satisfy the competitive spirit that we all have. The closest course to Lakewood is at Cahoon Park in Bay Village, but I would love to design and install a course in my hometown. Who knows – maybe this post will start the ball rolling for a Birdtown Disc Golf Course.
I was also delighted by a painted fence that I noticed along the edge of a resident’s back yard. It had colorful pigeons enjoying cocktails and roasting marshmallows, fitting right in with the “Birdtown” theme.
Near the end of the street just before Plover, there was a plot of land that perplexed me. It looked like a tree farm, with 30+ trees of various sizes growing in three neat rows. I’m not sure what type of trees they were, or who planted and maintained the property, but it was certainly something I haven’t seen in Lakewood before. If it will lead to more trees in Lakewood though, I am in full support.