An Open Concept
Today was the last of the three adjacent “Cliff” streets in Lakewood (I walked Erie Cliff and Forest Cliff a few months ago). The street impresses right from the start. There is a stone-built castle wall rounding towards the entrance to the street from both the east and the west. Two large stone pillars mark the beginning of the development, with “Maplecliffe” etched into the facade. A sign indicates it was built in 1907, making this street almost 120 years old.
Unlike the other two “Cliff” streets, Maple Cliff was open at the northern end of the street. This allows properties 4-5 houses away from the cliff to still have lake views.
This open concept was even more majestic with the addition of a grass median running down the middle of the street. I haven’t seen a median this impressive since walking Alameda back on February 6th. Standing on the median and facing north made me appreciate the thoughtfulness that went into planning this street.