Spin Cycle
I have put a lot of miles on my 1970s tandem bike over the last few months, and I could not have done it without Spin Bike Shop. I was lucky enough to find my green beauty at an estate sale in Bay Village a few years ago, but it was in pretty rough shape when I bought it. Both of the tires were flat, the chain was sludgy, and the pedals were not rotating smoothly. Spin accepted the challenge to get it back on the road. They located some sweet, white-walled replacement tires, cleaned up the chain and got the pedals working properly. In fact, I think they were almost as excited as me to get the bike back in working condition.
As I passed their location on the corner of Madison and Marlowe I snapped a pic to commemorate their work. Unfortunately they were closed today, or I would have ventured inside to thank them personally.
I also had several guests accompanying me on the first half of my walk. Sara Williams, a Staff Program Assistant with Lakewood Alive, lives near Marlowe and Clifton and joined me today. Her precious dog Josie was staring out the door at us as we started to leave, and I had to ask her if Josie could come along as well. Then when we stopped by the railroad tracks to take a picture, a resident of Belle Avenue (Steph) approached walking her dog Navi. Navi posed with us as Steph snapped the picture. I think Navi had the best smile of our group. Somehow my tracking app (Strava) stopped at this point as you can see in the map below. You will have to take it on faith that I finished out the complete route.
I always enjoy company on my walks, so please let me know if you want to join me on a future trip down a Lakewood Street. I still have half of the alphabet to go!