Mini Milestones
Even though I passed the halfway point in terms of number of streets a few weeks ago, there was still a sense of accomplishment finishing off the “M” streets today. I am now halfway through the alphabet, and with X, Y and Z having no streets at the end, I only have 10 letters to go (N-W). I also hit a milestone with my total weight loss, having shed 25 pounds since I started the first week of February.
As I was biking the steady uphill slope on Hall in route to Morrison, I found myself whistling “Moondance” and “Brown-Eyed Girl” in an ode to my street for today. My whistling must be getting louder as several residents responded, some with encouraging words and one with, “Hey – Who is that #@&! whistling?” Perhaps I should be more cognizant of quiet time on weekend mornings.
The street itself also provided a few surprises. As I passed the corner of Morrison and Athens I heard a shout of “Hey Daso”. I turned around to see a co-worker emerging from his house on the corner (Jack Lenehan). He was off to compete in a Corporate Volleyball Tournament for our company (Equitable) and even had on a shirt with our logo (I promise this was not a planned product placement).
I also took a picture of a truly resilient tree that I passed. Despite being cut off at four different stumps, it was reaching out sideways to survive. This is a tree that lives by the phrase “never give up”. If I have a long street to complete on a 98-degree day in July or August, I will have to remember this message.