Safety Dance
It was a bit difficult to confirm where North Marginal Drive started. Lakewood Heights Boulevard approached from the east, and according to Google Maps it ended suddenly at Olive and North Marginal Drive began. Hayes Elementary School starts at this intersection, so I guess that’s as good a place as any to make the transition.
Looking from that intersection towards the school, I immediately noticed a huge cluster of flowers. They had been planted inside the median of the school parking lot. Upon closer examination, I found small signs acknowledging the families and classrooms that had taken time to plant that section of the median. I appreciated the display, especially on this gloomy Sunday morning.
I also passed “Safety Town” on my walk. This summer camp is designed for students entering Kindergarten in the fall. According to the Lakewood Recreation Department website, “the program features an actual town setup, complete with streets, crosswalks, stop signs and traffic signals that will help prepare children for school. Music, crafts and visits from community helpers such as police and firefighters will help reinforce the valuable safety lessons.”
The only problem for me passing “Safety Town” was that it caused the “Safety Dance” to get stuck in my head. In an effort to remove this cursed song from my mind, I am going to pass on a lyric to you:
We can dance if we want to
We can leave your friends behind
‘Cause your friends don’t dance and if they don’t dance
Well, they’re no friends of mine