Special Delivery
Norton was another street quite close to my house, providing a quick out and back route for me this morning. As I was taking a picture of the street sign, something looked off. Then I realized the name was in ALL CAPS (not sure why NORTON gets this special treatment). I’m not sure I would have noticed the difference previously, but after walking 140 streets I get excited by the little things.
About halfway down the block I passed a front yard that was truly unique. I have written about many other fairy and gnome gardens in previous posts, but this space was the most impressive yet. It covered the entire front yard and had so many cool details to discover. As I was scanning all the little surprises, I saw a tiny mailbox with a note on the side. It was an opportunity for little humans (or perhaps this big human) to write a letter to “all of the fairies & gnomes in the NORTON garden.
I finished up the street and jogged back home, grabbing one of my home-made business cards. A jotted a quick note to the tiny residents of the NORTON garden and dropped it back in the mailbox on my way to work. I hope they get the message!