Does Money Grow on Trees?
As I was walking down Olive this morning, I came across a plant that I haven’t seen in a long time. It was a silver dollar plant (Lunaria). The seed pods turn an iridescent color that makes them look like silver dollars.
I remember dropping a few seeds from a silver dollar plant on the side of our first Lakewood house on Mars Avenue right after moving in during the summer of 2000. It grew quickly, and before long I had my own silver dollars to admire. I always had a strange feeling that it brought me luck.
Well today was my opportunity to start a new planting. I found a dried seed pod that had fallen to the sidewalk and placed it in my pocket. After arriving at my office this morning, I opened up the pod, planted the four seeds and gave it a good watering. I hope my good fortune continues and at least one plant emerges from the soil.
The other striking thing about Olive was that most of the homes reminded me of lakeside cottages. I snapped a picture of two beautiful cottage style homes near the corner of Delaware, but there were at least 20 other homes that were just as impressive. There were slight variations in style and color, but all with that cozy cottage feeling.