Sweet Treats
Onondaga was one of the friendliest streets I have walked down yet. Everyone I passed was not only welcoming but eager to strike up a conversation. After a long day of work, it was fun to put my cares behind me and just focus on having a pleasant evening.
Onondaga is a short branch of a street that separates from St. Charles just south of Franklin. It runs for only half a block before connecting with Madison by The Doughnut Pantry. I was disappointed I completed this street in the evening after The Doughnut Pantry was closed as they have my favorite breakfast treat in Lakewood – a maple glazed white cream filled masterpiece of a doughnut. I have to admit I once ate three of them at a St. Mark’s Church social hour after mass several years ago.
About halfway down the block a resident emerged to investigate what I was up to. After explaining my project, she quickly introduced herself as Melissa and offered to share her amazing blackberry crop with me. As I hadn’t eaten dinner yet, it was a welcome sweet treat to rival the doughnut I was missing out on. Thank you for your hospitality.
As I was finishing my walk, I passed another resident (Elizabeth) hanging out on her front porch with her nieces. They started chatting with me as well, with the two young girls transitioning seamlessly to a compelling commercial for their Aunt’s two businesses (Market Avenue Wine Bar and Koffie Cafe in Ohio City). One of them said, “that I had to visit”. Always one to support a local small business, I will make a point to stop by next time I am in that area.