Common Bonds
It only took a few steps down Overlook this morning to notice that small American flags lined the sidewalks. They started at the corner with Arlington closer to West Clifton and continued down the length of the street all the way until Overlook reconnected with Arlington to the south. They were on both sides of the street, giving the entire neighborhood a patriotic feeling.
Whoever organized this display should be congratulated. I think street “bonding” like this can add to the pride of the neighborhood and make everyone more considerate. It also looked pretty cool.
In one of the front yards, I also spotted a vibrant garden. It had a boatload of tomatoes ready to turn red and a giant cucumber vine. The well-constructed stakes and netting were keeping the plants safe from hungry neighborhood animals. I have tried several times to grow vegetables in our back yard, but it always seems the deer and raccoons dine on the plants before we ever get to enjoy them. I guess proper planning makes for plentiful produce.