Feeling Squirrely
The squirrels and I have generally been friends on my walks so far. However, as I was walking down Phelps this morning I thought they were going to pounce.
Phelps is a short side street that connects Sloane to Detroit on the western side of Lakewood. Near the Detroit intersection I came upon a group of black squirrels. I must have been close to one of their nests, as they started jumping back and forth between the nearby trees. It seemed like they were trying to knock seeds and branches down onto my head. There was also a low hanging electrical wire overhead that one of the squirrels kept pacing back and forth on. It made me a bit nervous, but I pointed my camera upwards to capture a picture of him. I was half-expecting him to jump onto my head like Clark Griswold in National Lampoons Christmas Vacation.
I have also really enjoyed the cooler weather the last few days. In fact, I saw an apple tree on Phelps that might have been fooled by the lower temperatures. Several of its apples were already starting to turn red, which I bet is quite unusual for mid-July.