
Favorite Teacher

A special thanks to Vincent O’Keefe for sending over a touching story about the naming of Reveley. According to Margaret Manor Butler in Romance in Lakewood Streets, “Reveley Avenue was named for Miss Ellen G. Reveley, principal of the Old Normal School situated on Eagle Street in Cleveland long ago. She was a great favorite of the Lorenzo French family, owners of a large farm and cider mill at the corner of Madison and Warren. Their daughter, May, principal of Lawn and Landon schools in Cleveland, received her early teacher training under Miss Reveley and thus began a close friendship that lasted a lifetime. When the French farm was subdivided the family requested that one street be named for Miss Reveley.” What a great lasting tribute.

With a Walgreens on the corner, it’s hard to imagine a farm and cider mill being located here. Although as I walked down the street, I saw a few unique elements in front yards that might have been inspired by nature. One in particular was a cool driftwood and rock feature that made it look like white pebbles were bubbling down a stream. When I zoomed in to take the picture, I also discovered the turtle statue hiding in the bushes.

I also passed what might be the largest mailbox I have seen yet. It was shaped like a normal mailbox but was just super-sized. As I thought more about it, I think this would be a practical addition to any home. With so many packages being ordered online today, this would give the delivery person a perfect spot to safely store the package. I might have to invest in one myself.