I hit the 80% completion mark after walking Rosalie this morning. Rosalie is a short street that heads north off Lake Road just west of Lakewood Park. It is right next to Abbieshire, the street that I started this challenge on 6 months ago. It was definitely colder back on February 5th, as I remember seeing my own breath on that morning.
I had a pleasant walk down Rosalie, with every house well-kept and inviting. The residence on the corner of Rosalie and Edgewater had an interesting looking trellis in the yard. It reminded me of standing under a giant dinosaur fossil at the Natural History Museum. Perhaps a Brontosaurus or T-Rex.
I think one of the neighbors may have been inspired by the trellis as well. They had a T-Rex wreaking havoc with several garden gnomes. I have noticed at least one garden gnome or fairy hiding on most of my walks so far. I have come to look forward to searching them out. I must admit, I felt sorry for this crew, particularly the one being devoured. I hope the other guys somehow escape.