Happy Birthday to Me
I got up early to run to my street, and to my delight my wife Amy decided to join me. With today being my birthday, it was extra-special to have a running partner to celebrate with.
Roycroft is located just west of Larchmont and runs from Detroit to Franklin. I have always been an optimistic person, so as I was walking the street I was trying to think of the good things about turning 51. For starters, I am thankful that I am healthy enough to walk all the streets in Lakewood. I always feel accomplished when I arrive back home after completing one of my streets.
As I approached the Detroit end of the street, I noticed the Social Security Administration Building. With my wife serving as the photographer, I had her snap a picture of me in front of the building. Taking the “glass half-full” approach, this birthday does bring me one year closer to receiving my Social Security Benefits.
Sunflowers also seem to be in bloom right now throughout Lakewood. I snapped a pic of a singular stalk growing in a flowerbox on Roycroft. As I was weeding my front yard last weekend, I noticed a sunflower plant that was about two feet tall. It must have grown from a seed that was dropped by a bird. I left it alone, hoping to get to see it flower before the end of the summer.