Playing Scarecrow
I felt like I did my job as a scarecrow, protecting a front yard garden from an advancing deer. Shaw is a short side street that branches off of Webb in both the eastern and western directions. As I started down the western side towards the Dead End, I passed a yard with a large garden area. There were ripe eggplants, cucumbers and peppers ready to eat. I think the deer that I spotted only a few feet away from me had the same idea. I was shocked I was able to get so close to her without scaring her away, but she seemed intent on finding her breakfast. I told her to “shoo” and she scampered off across the street.
I have noticed that Lakewood has an abundance of wildlife, despite being such a densely populated area. I think squirrels top the list as the most viewed animals, but rabbits and chipmunks are not far behind. This was my third or fourth encounter with a deer, but definitely my closest so far.
As I finished up my walk on the eastern section of the street, I passed a “Home of a Future Ranger Class of 2037” sign (I liked the Grateful Dead Bear in the background too). With the school year starting next week, it’s fun to think of kids just starting their educational journey. My youngest is a senior at Lakewood High School this year, and it doesn’t seem that long ago that we could have had a “Home of a Future Ranger Class of 2025” sign in our yard. I guess in the immortal words of Jerry Garcia, Lakewood Schools “just keep truckin’ on.”.