Book It
I thought I finished the “S” streets yesterday, but Thoreau was the most S-shaped street that I have walked in a while. It started at Clifton a few streets east of Nicholson, and about halfway to Detroit the street made two 90 degree turns.
Right at the first 90 degree turn I saw a beautiful Lending Library that matched the nearby house. However, when I went to check out the stock I noticed it was completely empty. I decided right there and then that it was my time to give back to our Little Lakewood Libraries and vowed to return with a stash of books to donate.
I finished up the street, with the highlight being an impressive front yard “Pollinator Garden”. The homeowner had made a cool sign, and the flower patch was swarming with bees and butterflies. I probably saw over 20 bumble bees alone.
As soon as I got home I grabbed my son Tim and a box of books. He traveled back with me and we loaded it up, putting two of our favorites in the front (Nancy Drew’s The Secret of the Old Clock and The Catcher in the Rye). The homeowners were on their front porch when we returned. They thanked us for the donation. Unfortunately their entire inventory had been taken twice previously, and they had stopped filling it. Let’s hope the neighborhood gets to enjoy these books.