My Many Colored Doors
I can’t believe I reached my last letter today. There are no streets in Lakewood that start with X, Y or Z, so “W” is where it ends. Fortunately there are 22 “W” streets, so I still have almost a month to savor my journey. After factoring in a few scheduled off days, I plan to finish with Wyandotte on Saturday, September 21st.
Wagar was a great start to the “W” list. It runs from Detroit south to Madison, terminating at Harding Middle School. As I was enjoying the beautifully maintained homes, I noticed several of them had brightly colored front doors. There were bright blue, salmon, yellow and pink doors. There was a brown door with a stained glass design in the middle. However, the one that stood out the most to me was a cool lime green door. Green has always been my favorite color, and this door looked striking next to the fresh white trim.
As I was nearing the end of my walk, I passed another Little Free Library. I have gotten in the habit of always stopping at these and glancing through the inventory. To my surprise I found one of my favorite Dr. Suess board books, “My Many Colored Days”. It is a story about how we can feel like different colors based on our mood. I read the entire book and placed it back inside for someone else to discover. I think the pages had a bit more meaning as I reflected on nearing the end of Lakewood A to Z. Even though most of my days have been “Happy Pink”, I think I will have a bit of gray and brown in my mind after I finish.